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How can we help you today?

Suzhou, China (Free Trade Zone)

Suzhou, China (Free Trade Zone)

Strategically located in a Free Trade Zone, clinical trial sponsors can realize significant cash flow advantages as there are zero duty and VAT payments imposed on shipments entering Suzhou.

More importantly, kits can be packaged and labeled in Suzhou bonded zone to support APAC studies while sponsors in China wait for the clinical trial approval document.

Our multi-lingual team has proficiency in English and a true appreciation of cultural nuances. As an added benefit, this team is supported by our network of Asia Pacific facilities, including Singapore, Beijing, Korea, Japan and India, providing access to a global network with a local presence.

Site Offerings

  • GMP temperature & RH-controlled storage with redundant compressors and backup power generators at ambient (10°C to 20°C and 15°C to 25°C), refrigerated (2°C to 8°C) and frozen (-20°C)
  • Beta lactam antibiotic storage and packaging
  • In-house global labeling service
  • Clinical manufacturing
  • Primary and secondary packaging at ambient and refrigerated temperatures, with support for high-potent compound and light-sensitive packaging
  • Clinical Ancillary Management
  • Pick & pack and distribution services that include temperature management and monitoring for local, regional and international shipments
  • Import & export documentation support and customs clearance
  • Clinical supply returns / storage / destruction service (non-bonded)

Download the site capabilities fact sheet to learn more about this location.

Location Image

Unit B&C Building No 5
1 Qiming Road
Suzhou Industrial Park
Suzhou, China
Phone: +86 512 6733 2080