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Global Environmental, Health & Safety


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The following Terms & Conditions apply to all purchases made by Patheon entities within the respective country.


Patheon has partnered with Ecovadis to assess our sites’ sustainability efforts and have started to assess our suppliers. The results at this time are:

  • Ferentino, Italy – Gold
  • Linz, Austria – Silver
  • Mississauga, Ontario – Silver
  • St. Louis, Missouri – Silver
  • Bourgoin, France – Silver
  • Tilburg, Netherlands – Silver
  • Monza, Italy – Silver
  • Manati, Puerto Rico – Bronze

A number of our sites have achieved ISO 14001 Certification:

  • Linz, Austria
  • Ferentino, Italy (Policy: English & Italian)
  • Monza, Italy
  • Swindon, United Kingdom
  • St.Louis, Missouri

Some of our sites have achieved Organizational Carbon Footprint ISO 14064-1 Certification:


Health and Safety

A number of our sites have achieved ISO 45001 Certification:

Energy Management

Some of our sites have achieved Energy Management System ISO 50001 Certification:

  • Linz, Austria

Facility Specific Information

Toronto Region Operations
Whitby Operations
Cincinnati Operations