This video explores the story of Jessica Morin, a Business Manager, and Jigal Shah, a Portfolio Service Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific, as they navigate a challenging situation involving the distribution of an antibacterial drug. Due to a logistics error, their shipment was sent to Mexico instead of Brazil.
Faced with a looming deadline, Jessica sought Jigal's assistance to ensure the drug reached Brazil by July 2, a critical date for their client to begin sales. Due to customs regulations, they couldn't reroute the shipment directly from Mexico to Brazil, forcing them to brainstorm alternative solutions.
According to Canadian regulations, a percentage of each drug batch must be retained before releasing the samples from the manufacturer's facility. To meet these requirements, they planned to retain 10% of the samples when the shipment from Mexico was finally cleared for Brazil.
Thanks to their swift actions, the shipment was dispatched on June 26 and arrived in Brazil by June 28. The team worked tirelessly, coordinating documents and expediting approvals to ensure the shipment made it on time. Through partnership, their client could proceed with drug sales in Brazil as planned.